Do you feel like you’re living your dream right now, like you have found the thing you actually are supposed to be doing? If so, hats off to you. If not, I know exactly how you feel. I know what I want – to be able to build a life where what I do for a living creates financial and creative freedom for me. I want to be my own boss and stop spending 8 hours a day in a concrete box, busting my butt to build someone else’s dream, on their terms. Sound familiar?
But I can’t quit my day job just yet, so right now I’m doing what I have to do, the damned 9 to 5, until I can do what I want to do. I am making plans for the Big Change but I want to do it juuust right so I don’t have go back with my tail between my legs.
I really wish I could magically catapult myself to five years from now and be one of those (annoyingly) perfect guru bloggers that have already achieved everything they wanted and now are getting bombarded by book and TV show deals and a full income (and then some!) from showing other people how to do the same.
I’m not sure if that’s even a place I aspire to achieve (although blogging in a hammock tied to a palm tree does have a nice ring to it), but I am sharing my journey, hoping to benefit yours.
Because I know I’m not the only one out there with this dream, right? It’s easy to say you should stay positive and just believe in yourself, but I have decided to give this thing a real try, and I can just feel that there are tons of people trying to do the same.
However, sometimes you just need a few words of encouragement to keep the faith, so here’s a little compilation of motivational quotes that I love, to keep you chasing that dream and finding your calling. Please visit the comments if you see something you like!
Thanks so much for reading, I hope you got a dose of motivation from this post. Feel free to share the quotes if you like them!
Until next time,
xx Sera
This made (the end of) my day 🙂
Thanks so much Kinga – your comment made my day! xoxo